Pledges Instead of Resolutions


It’s that time of year again. Specifically, it is actually almost next year.  You know what that means. Time to make resolutions!

We’re all familiar with some of the promises we’ve made to ourselves many times before. “I’m going to go to the gym regularly!” “I’m going to read 20 novels!” “I’m going to be more positive, more organized, more, more, more!”

Then, the third week of January, you realize you haven’t been to the gym in two weeks, you’re cranky because it’s dark and cold, and you’ve lost the notes for the important project you’re working on. It doesn’t matter, though, because you’ve only let yourself down. We all do it in one way or another.

My resolution is to break that cycle, and I’m going to do it by not making any resolutions at all. Instead, I’m going to make pledges.

What’s the difference? Resolutions are self-directed, inner-focused. Sometimes they’re smart or healthy, but sometimes they’re just vain. No judgements—we all want to improve our lives, however we each define that.

In contrast, a pledge is something you make to someone or some group of people in your life or possibly to some cause. It is an outward-focused commitment that sets up an expectation with someone else. In some ways, once you’ve put the pledge out there, you have an accountability partner. 

Pledges come in many forms. In America, many of us grew up pledging allegiance to the flag in grade school. Maybe in college you pledged a fraternity. If we’re fortunate enough to have disposable income, we might make pledges to our favorite for-purpose organizations to give on a regular basis. Or, a pledge is used like an organizing tool, aligning us with likeminded people who share certain values or priorities, like a pledge to reduce carbon emissions or to compost. 

I haven’t settled on my specific pledges for 2023 yet. But I have a general framework: to be a stronger ally for those whose voices have been underappreciated, undervalued, or underrepresented in my workplace, in my community, and in the world.

Three lenses through which I’m going to determine my priorities:

Look. Sometimes who you should be elevating is obvious. There are superstars in fields we all want to be in relationship with. But what about those who haven’t found a platform yet, or haven’t figured out yet how to convey their unique personality and perspective. I pledge to actively look for those people and to help give them ways to shine.

Listen. Those of you who know me know I, um, feel comfortable as the center of attention. But I hope you also know that I am just as happy to shine the spotlight elsewhere. This coming year I pledge to listen more closely, to try harder to hear not only to hear what people are saying, but to try and understand what they mean and what they need. 

Act. What good is looking and listening if you don’t do something with what you’ve learned. For 2023, I pledge to all of you that I am committed to supporting your good work, sharing your amazing stories, and celebrating your successes in whatever ways I am able. 

All of us want to do more and do better. Let’s put some stakes in the ground and make some commitments to creating positive change next year.

Take the plunge with me and make a pledge! 

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