The Octopus, the Beach, and the Bell Tower


I love a good story.  And especially a story with a moral and a lot of flair.  It was re-told to me a few weeks ago and I am sharing it here for people who take the time to read Global Extrovert.  I wish I could be walking along a cobblestone street in Italy while telling it to you (gelato in hand).  But for now, this post will have to do.

There is a little town on Italy’s Ligurian coast called Lerici.  Like so many towns in this region, Lerici has that magic combination of sun-kissed ocean, good food, beautiful people, gorgeous architecture and…a remarkable town legend.

The people of Lerici believe that they owe their existence to a very special octopus.  Yes, an octopus.  As the legend goes, a little boy took pity on a baby octopus that had found itself away from home and family, starving and sick.  The boy fed the octopus, nurtured him, and released him back into the ocean once he had recovered.  Of course, by this point they were great friends and it was with great sadness that the boy said goodbye to his new buddy.

(For those who have a hard time believing this tale, just hang on.  It gets better, and even more realistic.  You’ll see.)

Many years went by, and the town became victim to a band of vicious pirates.   These ruthless fiends threatened to steal the villagers’ money and terrorize their homes.  The townspeople lived in constant fear of attack.

Now the octopus was not in contact with his young friend from the town, but he never strayed far from the shores of Lerici.  After all, he had been saved by the goodness of one of the town’s native sons.  Loyal friends are like that.  They stay close by.  (Are you sensing the trajectory of the moral here?  Just wait, there’s more!)

One day, the band of pirates entered the town harbor, ready to lay siege to defenseless Lerici.  The octopus (given his vantage point in the ocean) could see what was about to happen and wanted to take quick action.  But what could he do?  He was just one little octopus against a band of pirates.  Desperate to help, the octopus mustered all his strength, emerged from the water and climbed up the wall of the harbor, scaling the pink baroque bell tower of the town church. Up, up, up he climbed.  He knew that even though he was out of his element he could do something to help his friends.

At the top of the tower, the sight of the octopus would have surely attracted attention.  But the octopus didn’t stop there.  He hurled his tentacles onto the bell and rang a clear warning to the town. The townspeople, with barely just enough time to find reinforcements, were able to keep the pirates away.   The town had been saved.  And the octopus, exhausted but relieved, returned back down the tower into the beautiful Ligurian sea.

(Now it seems ironic that the same town that serves up delicious octopus in its traditional dishes also believes that the sea creature saved it from sure destruction.  They don’t seem to mind, nor do I as I contemplate the many delicious meals I have enjoyed with friends in that town, including on of my favorites, grilled octopus!).

So, what does this tale teach us?  Lots.  First, if you have the chance to be nice to an ailing octopus, it apparently is a good idea (kids – check with your parents first!).  Also, if someone ever does something nice for you, you should always have his back.  If you live somewhere within the reach of pirates, make sure your bell tower can be accessed by people (or animals!) who want to help you.  Listen to your friends when they warn you about something.  Finally, if you feel like you should help a friend, don’t be ashamed to move out of your comfort zone to get his attention or even sound the alarm bell if needed.

There are so many lessons.  The other moral to this story I suppose, is that everything, even the most preposterous sounding legends, are beautiful and delicious when told in Liguria.   Now THAT’s a fact.

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